50M-4000M SDR LNA Amplifier Hackrf Antenna Port 433M Gain 23dbm for RTL Based SDR Receivers

SKU: SDR LNA Amplifier


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50M-4000M SDR LNA Amplifier Hackrf Antenna Port 433M Gain 23dbm for RTL Based SDR Receivers


SDR LNA is an ultra-low noise MMIC amplifier based on E-pHEMT, operating from 1 MHz to. 4 GHz, with a unique combination of low noise and high IP3, makes this amplifier ideal for highly dynamic sensitive amplifiers. Distance receiver application. This design operates from +3 to +5V power supply, only 33 mA, 3V and 56 mA. At +5V, internally matched to 50 ohms, can be connected to the Hackrf antenna port for power supply (TEE function, bias power supply), or microUSB port power supply, test 433M gain 23dbm (50-27)


Packing List:

  • SDR LNA x1



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