1.7 MMDVM Jumbospot Hotspot Spot Radio Station WiFi Digital Voice Modem NXDN POCSAG P25 DMR + Raspberry Pi + 8g Card

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SKU: Jumbospot Hotspot Spot

$158.78 $179.99

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1.7version simplex MMDVM board + raspberry pi + 2g tf system card + case



  1. Specifications
  2. 802.11 b/g/n wireless LAN
  3. 1GHz, single-core CPU
  4. 512MB RAM
  5. Micro USB power
  6. installed JumboSPOT UHF(430-440)+VHF(144-146)
  7. (VHF is not the main band, performance reduction)RF extend board.
  8. 8G TF CARD Installed PI-STAR panel
  9. support DMR,YSF,P25 mode to QSO with RF To internet

OLED Display


Default installed pi-star to TF card, wifi TEST SSID is TZB,so pass is 13902982913,you can change your router 's default SSID and pass it will auto connect.


pass is raspberry,then login to SET your CALLSIN,ID,FREQ,and Modem,like the picture:


Display Type is :OLED then Apply Changes.


also your DMR radio must input the Talk Group and Freq ,then you can talk now.

Product Features:
· So supports PI-STAR's web based digital voice dashboard and configuration tool
· Supports all four digital amateur modes DMR,  D-Star, P25 and System Fusion
· Built-in WiFi: 802.11b/g/n
·  So built-in OLED system status display indicating Mode, Talk Group and Call Sign
· So built-in LED indicators for status of Power, PTT, COS and Mode
·Then console port SSH 22 for  root level access to the operating system
· So quad Core A7 1.2GHz Processor, 512mb DDR3 RAM and 8gb TF Card
·  Then pocket size aluminum enclosure 
Package Includes:
· Fully assembled and tested Jumbo-Spot-RTQ
· SMA UHF and On board Wifi antennas


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